Posted by: bjbootz | April 22, 2009

Adam, Steve and Miss Cali USA

Few words exists to accurately convey my sadness in the wake of the the Miss California USA fiasco so I shall not exacerbate myself here. What I will say however is that if we present the hypothesis that beauty pageants are in fact are perfectly valid consumer of public funding and media space, one small grace is that it has brung to the surface a still very much alive prejudice against homosexuality. Miss CA’s draconian answer to Perez Hilton’s question has successfully propelled an issue into both the blogosphere and heritagemedia-a-sphere (?) that badly needed the attention not only of American policy makers but of the world itself. Despite her mother’s exclamation that the Bible reads “Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!” (I wonder how long she was sitting on that one for), I sincerely hope that the media furore will eventuate in the overturning of Prop 8 and the repercussions of this victory are felt by nations around the world including my own.

I urge you to saturate your twitters, facebooks and blogs in support of SOCIAL EQUALITY even if this does not concur with your own moral standpoint.


  1. Thanks for shairing. These are so good. Sorry for my bad english

    • My pleasure. Thank You for reading : )

  2. But isn’t her answer consistent with Barack Obama’s position on this issue as well as other so-called liberal politicians? I don’t think she said anything “wrong.” I don’t agree with the second part of her statement, but I’m glad she said it’s great we live in a land where people can choose.

    • a: When presented with those that came before, Obama is comparatively a liberal politician but (and not to dismiss the great things he has already achieved) I don’t think we should automatically assume his word as gospel on ‘liberalism’ and furthermore such a fundamental social equality as universal marriage shouldn’t really be considered a political view but just a basic right. I am always sceptical of people automatically accepting the views of currently populist politicians verbatim without criticism (which again is not to say that I am not overall a supporter of Obama, I am).

      b: From a purely logical point of view, what Miss CA says just does not make sense. Whats the point of supporting a ‘country of choice’ when you are denying a significant proportion of the population the right to choose?

  3. But why do we care what she thinks about this, anyway? Who is she? She can’t make or influence laws or amendments. That’s why I mention the politicians who agree with her, who can influence government. I have my own opinions, thank you. I don’t take “views of currently populist politicians verbatim without criticism.”

    I just think this whole thing is terribly overblown. Free speech means free for everyone, whether or not you agree with what is being spoken or whether or not you think it makes sense.

  4. just need to open a newspaper to see how much media space otherwise fickle z-lister celebrities occupy, scarily I think their opinions hold more sway than we give credit…

    Anyway at the end of the day it just comes down to the fact that I wouldn’t have my own mother telling me who I can and can’t marry, let alone a beauty pageant queen and society in general…

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